Rev. E.W. Jackson on Rep. Omar: She’s ‘Not Worthy of American Citizenship’

Rev. E.W. Jackson on Rep. Omar: She’s ‘Not Worthy of American Citizenship’ By Michael W. Chapman for CNS News

GNN Note – Couldn’t agree more – remove citizenship, strip of all U.S. rights and deport back to Somalia.


Rev. E.W. Jackson, the great-grandson of slaves, a Marine, and a Harvard Law graduate, said that left-wing Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), a naturalized citizen from Somalia, is “not worthy of American citizenship” and that “there ought to be a way to kick her out of here.”

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Omar has made numerous remarks critical of the United States and, in general, condemnatory of Western civilization. In March, she descibed living in America as “an everyday assault — every day, a part of your identity is threatened, demonized, and vilified.” As for 9/11, she said that “some people did something,” and in a statement did not condemn the Islamic terrorists who perpetrated the 9/11 attacks.

Omar has also dismissed Israel as a place that has “hypnotized the world,” and said support for Israel is “all about the Benjamins.” The House Democrat leadership has denounced Omar’s use of “anti-Semitic tropes and prejudicial accusations about Israel’s supporters” as “deeply offensive.” Omar has described President Trump as not being human.

During his May 2 radio broadcast of The Awakening, Rev. E.W. Jackson, in reference to Omar, said, “I think there ought to be a way to revoke the citizenship of some people within—oh, I don’t know—some period of time, maybe it ought to be 20, 25 years if you’re a naturalized citizen. When you start talking against the country, there ought to be a way for the average American citizen to make an application to have your citizenship revoked.”

“In other words, it ought to be provisional for the first 25 years or maybe as a naturalized citizen, it ought to be provisional as long as you’re alive,” he said. “It ought to be provisional until you lead the sort of — so that when you start doing the stuff that Ilhan Omar is doing, citizens can say, ‘This person is not worthy of American citizenship,’ and that provisional citizenship should be revoked.”

“Yeah, I said it and I mean it,” remarked Jackson.  “There ought to be a way to kick her out of here.”

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